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Viv Baartman

Viv Baartman

Head of Design and Experience
New Zealand

Viv is head of design and experience for Davanti, linked by Isobar, and has worked in the design field for over 20 years. She is outspoken about the role of design in helping people engage with services in the right way and chooses on a daily basis to work in a government city so she can help solve this problem. She loves the challenge of balancing the financial with the creative aspects of a business without ever losing focus on the people. The question she will always ask when beginning a piece of work is “what about the human?” This distraction invades all she does.

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All my X’s


It seems we’ve diluted the original UX/HCD intent from the 1990’s and the market is awash with an oversupply of ‘X’s’. Teams find it confusing and even understanding the terminology has become far too complicated. We’re not as pragmatic as we should be. 

In this talk Viv will be running through the X’s, framing a position and also introducing when we should have the UX/CX debate and when it doesn’t matter. This talk isn’t the solution, it’s intended to start us thinking so we can create our own position. Viv will share how we move forward not worrying about our X’s, leaving our baggage behind to ensure we’re battling for the right thing. All the other narrative doesn’t matter.

In this talk: