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Amelia Diggle

Amelia Diggle

Service Design Lead at Verizon Connect and Designer and Founder of Human Interface Jewellery.
Verizon Connect

Amelia loves technology. She started her design career off with Industrial Design and quickly found the fun in digital, UX and CX. She’s designed software for solving serious crimes, experiences for the millions of NZ mobile users, a platform for creating conversational artificial intelligence, and tactile 3D printed jewellery inspired by interfaces.

Amelia is passionate about creating socially responsible products and services utilising the latest technology, and especially how we measure and show the value of CX design within these exciting new spaces. She currently helps Verizon Connect apply human centred design tools and processes to their telematics vehicle tracking software development process in Christchurch.

In 2018 Amelia ran workshops on how to design human-centred Chatbots at UX homegrown and NZTechweek, and this year she’s been sharing the 3D design, modelling and printing basics at this years NZTechweek and SouthMACH.

Upcoming Talks and Workshops

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Past Talks and Workshops

Intelligent design measurement - how to prove CX ROI like a spy.

Service Design

Why is showing the ROI of a CX design process so hard to do? How might we add some rigorous proof to show the value of human-centred design? Which tools, methods and techniques are the best for your organisation? And how do we know if we’re focusing on the right data stories and metrics?

In this talk, Amelia will diverge on all things CX measurement, and then showcase how we can translate techniques detectives and intelligence analysts use to prove a serious crime to show the value of our design. She'll equip you with examples of how this might just be the perfect solution to measure the design process, customer outcomes and show real value when CX design is done well.

Amelia’s talk will give you practical proven methods to measure your entire CX. She’ll make a messy complicated ecosystem of touch-points, data and customers simple and manageable again. You’ll be able to take the tools and implement them back in your organisations, and start demonstrating the real ROI of CX design.